Jesus is the Son of God; He is part of the Eternal Godhead along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. 


Rather than write lots of stuff for you to scroll through, we decided to give you the essential things you need to know about Jesus and if you’re up for more information, we can unpack this in greater detail on our Alpha course. (See Alpha on our website menu) 

So here’s what you really need to know about Jesus: 

  • Jesus is the Son of God 
  • Jesus along with the Father and Holy Spirit loves us
  • Jesus came to us
  • Jesus lived a perfect life
  • Jesus died as an atonement for our sin on the cross 
  • Jesus rose from the dead
  • Jesus ascended back to Heaven
  • Jesus will come again
  • Jesus is forever
  • And finally Eternity without Jesus is hell…


So Jesus essentially loves us, died for our sin and has the power not only to forgive us for all of our past wrongdoing, but also has the power to give us New Life. Wow just think of that, if we trust in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we can have a new better and more satisfying life which comes with the assurance of Heaven (a happy hereafter!) 


It’s important to remember that we can’t live this life alone. We weren’t created to place our hope and expectation on ourselves. We can’t handle that kind of pressure – but thankfully, Jesus can! Jesus won’t only meet your expectations – He will exceed your greatest imaginations in ways that will leave you amazed, and empowered to live the life He has called you to live! So trust Him as your Saviour and make Him the Lord of your life today. Why not invite Christ into your life right now by saying the prayer below…

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Saviour….. Amen

Possibly four of the most powerful words we can ever say, in context to a personal faith in Jesus Christ is, ‘He died for me’, if we can say those words from our heart as a response to faith in Christ we have the assurance of life and salvation. 

If you prayed the prayer above and or, would like some more information about Jesus, the Christian faith or the Alpha course please contact us by email at: