The Bible encourages generous, regular and cheerful giving

  • 1 Cor. 16:2 On every Lord’s Day, each of you should put aside some amount of money in relation to what you have earned.
  • 2 Cor. 9:7 Make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure for God loves the person who gives cheerfully.

At Millpool Hill Church we don’t ‘just put money’ in the offering, we believe that we are investing in God’s Kingdom through the work of the local church.

What happens to the money given to the church?

At Millpool Hill Church good stewardship of people’s giving is a high priority. The Trustees regularly monitor the financial position of the church, our financial systems in place and operate to agreed budgets. Expenditure of finances goes towards fulfilling our stated objects of the charity and running costs of the church. As a registered charity (number 1052755) we take seriously the need to comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including obtaining an annual independent inspection of our accounts by chartered accountants.

If you would like to financially support our vision and the work that we are doing in the community, you can give by either:

1. Using this easy to use, safe & secure online giving platform

2. Placing your financial gift in the offering box located in the foyer before or after one of our Sunday services.

3. Setting up a standing order, or making a bank transfer, using the details below. Please give the following reference: your name / general offering.

CAF bank
Account name: Millpool Hill Church
Account No: 00031613
Sort Code: 40-52-40

If you’re a UK tax payer you can increase your giving by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme, without it costing you any more.
To participate in this, a Gift Aid form will need to be completed and is available upon request