Sundays At Millpool Hill

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the services held?
742 Alcester Road South, Birmingham, B14 5EZ

What time are the services?
Sundays at 10:30am (in person and online)

How long do the services last for?
The Sunday morning service is approx. 1.5hrs long

What should I wear?
Most people come along dressed casually, so please don’t feel you need to ‘dress up’. However we want you to come along dressed in whatever you feel comfortable in, so be assured we’ll be glad to see you.

What happens during the services?
Sunday morning usually consists of inspiring and engaging worship led by our worship team, a time of reflective communion (breaking of bread) and Bible teaching.

What about my children?
We love Children at Millpool and we are sure that they will engage, at their level, during our time of live praise and worship. Then, whilst there is a  time of Bible teaching, we also run  ‘Millpool Kids’, which is a great session just for primary school aged children and run by experienced ‘DBS’ checked children’s workers.

Will I be asked for money?
We rarely ‘take up an offering’ in our main services. However, giving generously is one of our core values and therefore details of how you can give to God at Millpool are usually explained during our notices. Should you wish, you are most welcome to give an offering. (for more details on giving please click on our giving page located in the main menu)


Can I come along if i’m…?…

Fill in the blank with whatever anxiety or fears you may have about not being welcome or accepted…but, the answer is “YES!” We are all depending on God’s grace, so no matter who you are, what you’ve done in, or where you’ve been, please come along this Sunday and we’ll be glad to see you.